Thursday, October 30, 2008

I've drawn inspiration from garden artist Patrick Blanc as a method of solving my 'garden atmosphere' design intention. He specialises in vertical living gardens that can be employed as a feature piece of art both externally and internally.

Japanese Gardens are interesting and relevant to my project because they're deliberate and precise in framing specific views. This is an idea I'm playing with in terms of incorporating a garden feature in my building.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I've likened my clients morale decline to that of a car crash so i thought some images of accidents could spark some inspiration in terms of form or even phonomena- The feeling of entrapment and restriction etc. I'll try avoid translating these literally into form but they can serve as a vantage point or a reference when looking for design direction.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

This sketchup model is an unresolved but litterall representation of the chaotic 'car crash' theme that I've used to express David's inevitable emotional breakdown. Its separated box like buildings symbolise each little factor that contributes to the eventual breakdown.
Model 2: A suggestion that McDavids life isn't in despair: It is well lit, open and spacious with angular but not aggressive planes. The fenestrations allow for visual interaction with the natural world outside, but not a direct physical interaction. Would be good to adapt these kinds of spaces into a separate design, and form a relationship between this aspect of his life: the positive outlook, with the darker side of his psychi. Needs work however, I'll admit.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

David McDavid- Supplier of storage space for prefabricated footings and foundations.

Meet David McDavid, A simple man with a simple career; the largest supplier of storage space for prefabricated footings and foundations in the whole suburb, which is easy because he's the only one. His professional life is mundane & generic, which also covers most aspects of his life. His middle class home, his volkswagon bora, his wife and two children.... His life is pretty plain.

Although his professional life is repeditive and slow, he finds comfort in the small things in life to get him by. He enjoys a hot coffee every morning while he reads about his beloved soccer team Hertha BSC Berlin faired against the reast of the Bundesliga over the weekend, and smiles at the photo of his youngest son catching his first fish on their last trip sitting proudly on his desk. He feels comfortable in his new socks he finally bought after weeks of trudging around with wet toes over the past few weeks. He takes time to appreciate everything he has and looks forward to expiriences and things he may possess in the future. The satisfaction of driving past something that has been built with his involvement is enough to make him believe his long workday has been all worthwhile. Needless to say, David makes the most of life, but there is a distinct junction between life at work and life at home. When he leaves home in the morning, he starts to count the hours, minutes and seconds until he's home again.

David is social amongst his local commmunity and often entertains his friends at home. He likes to relax by going on fishing trips and getting out in the garden when the weather's nice.

But these things are only skin deep. He loves his family and his work but there comes a time in a mans life when he cant deny the stress and anxiety that eats at his soul. Yes, he enjoys the low paced working atmosphere of the supplier business, yet he cringes everytime another f*#king builder come into his office with another job. His home is a place of retreat when the pressure of impatient clients get on his back, or the bills roll in, but even there, the shrill screaming of his boys fighting over who got the bigger serve pudding with dessert is enough to push him over the edge. Who knows what he's capable of if one more annoyance niggles away at his ever diminshing patience...